Last night was Ministry Volunteers’ Appreciation Dinner.. A night where the church appreciates all the volunteers of the church who have laboured their service with love.. There were 960 of us present.. It was the first for me.. Although I’ve been serving for a number of years now, I don’t remember attending one before.. I believe I was in Ipoh last year during the dinner..
We started of the evening in Maranatha with a short but powerful session of worship.. Then a 4-piece string quartet performed ‘Great is thy faithfulness’ and ‘Father in heaven how we love you’ – it was classic! Among the performers were Peck Sun, Melissa and Boon Hong.. (never knew Boon Hong played the chello! Haha)
Then Ps. Vincent and all the other language churches gave a report on their respective churches. It was encouraging to see the number of souls saved and the way God has been blessing the language churches..
Next, the highlight of the night for me was the ‘Cardboard Testimony’.. It was something that was done in Lakewood during their Building Pledge.. We talked about it at L-cell some months back and both Roger & Thay gave us the link to go check it out.. You can watch it here..
But yesterday’s cardboard testimony by the GT-ians was somehow more meaningful for me.. I guess cos I knew most of them up on stage and was able to connect to their ‘before’ status and seen how God’s has been really doing a good work in their life and how they now wholeheartedly serve Him..
One guy’s testimony (I think he’s from the Chinese church) was:
Before : In a Prison Cell
After : Now a Cell Leader
Naledi’s was:
Before : Against the idea of International Cells
After : International Cell Zone Leader
I was so touched by the testimonies of so many of them.. How God’s transformed them into beautiful man and woman of God.. Couldn't help but tear a lil..
Dinner.. Ah dinner.. so not what I expected.. It was a 10-course Chinese sit-down dinner.. The food as many would agree was so much better than some of the wedding dinners I’ve been to.. It was a great experience as well to be able to see most of the Africans eating fish, prawns, crab, shark fins soup, other types of seafood and the desserts for their VERY FIRST TIME.. The internationals at my table loved it!! But some other Bots, didn’t really enjoy it..
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Black one this time..
I got me a new car.. After the Bestari 206 fell through, dad told me to buy the latest Myvi... I was pretty reluctant at first cos didn't wanna be jumping into any rash decisions after what happened..
But anyway, I went and saw the car, both my parents viewed the car as well. So funny - we all checked it out at different times; dad in johor, me near my house and mum later on.
It's a good deal la.. Cos my uncle will be buying the current Myvi that I'm driving and he's giving us like way more than I'll get if I sell to someone else or a 2nd hand car dealer..
So we'll get about 5-6k in hand after selling the current car to my uncle, just pay a wee bit more in installments every month for the new car and I get a brand new car.
Dad's pretty bummed that I didn't tender for the number 282.. Fell that I would just save on that $$. We've had like 7 cars with the plate 282 and after many years this would be the first car to change the cycle.. (with the exception of that one car la).
The sales lady called and said that the car would be ready on Thursday.. What a gift huh? =)
But anyway, I went and saw the car, both my parents viewed the car as well. So funny - we all checked it out at different times; dad in johor, me near my house and mum later on.
It's a good deal la.. Cos my uncle will be buying the current Myvi that I'm driving and he's giving us like way more than I'll get if I sell to someone else or a 2nd hand car dealer..
So we'll get about 5-6k in hand after selling the current car to my uncle, just pay a wee bit more in installments every month for the new car and I get a brand new car.
Dad's pretty bummed that I didn't tender for the number 282.. Fell that I would just save on that $$. We've had like 7 cars with the plate 282 and after many years this would be the first car to change the cycle.. (with the exception of that one car la).
The sales lady called and said that the car would be ready on Thursday.. What a gift huh? =)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Judge not.. only support
Had a heart-to-heart chat with 2 of my girlfriends sometime last week.. We were just suppose to have dinner to catch up but it turned out to be a sleepover.. sharing our hearts till the wee hours of the morning over tim-tams (that i curi-ed from someone, shhh lol) and kopi-o..
I shared with my girls something that I've never shared with anyone else before.. something that I've been keeping to myself for years.. Something that brings tears to my eyes and such heartache EVERY TIME I think about it.. It was such a struggle to have been going through it alone for so long.. But I thank God that as I shared it, there was such a release..
Trust. That was the only reason I was able to open up. I trusted my girls lots and decided to just unload on them.. They did not judge.. They did not condemn.. They did not look down on me.. They did however encourage, support and prayed along..
From past mistakes and life circumstances, I too have learnt to not be quick to judge on others.. That we are only human, that we too fall at times and it is in our weakness that God's strength may be glorified..
It took me a long while to trust them to be able to open up like that.. in fact, I surprised myself as well at how much I did say because I'm pretty selective on the people I speak to about my life as well as details of it..
But I guess God has his appointed time la... and it was high-time that I did speak about it.. Couldn't hold it in any longer or I would have become worse dwelling in it..
Thank you for not judging.. Thank you for your support.. I covet your prayers.. May God continue to use our lives to minister to others.. Love you loads!! xoxo
I shared with my girls something that I've never shared with anyone else before.. something that I've been keeping to myself for years.. Something that brings tears to my eyes and such heartache EVERY TIME I think about it.. It was such a struggle to have been going through it alone for so long.. But I thank God that as I shared it, there was such a release..
Trust. That was the only reason I was able to open up. I trusted my girls lots and decided to just unload on them.. They did not judge.. They did not condemn.. They did not look down on me.. They did however encourage, support and prayed along..
From past mistakes and life circumstances, I too have learnt to not be quick to judge on others.. That we are only human, that we too fall at times and it is in our weakness that God's strength may be glorified..
It took me a long while to trust them to be able to open up like that.. in fact, I surprised myself as well at how much I did say because I'm pretty selective on the people I speak to about my life as well as details of it..
But I guess God has his appointed time la... and it was high-time that I did speak about it.. Couldn't hold it in any longer or I would have become worse dwelling in it..
Thank you for not judging.. Thank you for your support.. I covet your prayers.. May God continue to use our lives to minister to others.. Love you loads!! xoxo
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I feel so loved
It's my last day today at Sun-U.. time's passed by really fast.. I think I'm gonna miss this place lots mainly cos of the friendships that's been formed.. No doubt I'm gonna be keeping in touch with many of them here..
Got so many goodies for my farewell.. Countless farewell lunches and dinners these pass 2 weeks.. Pressie from both the admin & academic staff.. In fact, just earlier today, there was a pretty little pink bag on my table with a card.. and inside was a cute figurine from Elizabeth.. For lunch today, the staff from not only my department but also from ADTP and Registry took me out to Ginger Tree (my uncle's a chef there) and belanja me makan kau kau.. So full wei now I feel like sleeping.. lol..
Thought I'd paste some of the notes from emails that I received from friends I made here in the past 3 months..
Dear Michelle,
We wish you a wonderful journey towards your dreams - and we know all your wishes and dream will come true.
You are a wonderful person and it has been my greatest pleasure to get to know you in the past three months. How time flies.
I wish you all the best in your new venture!
all the very best,
soo beng
Dear Michelle,
All the best in your new job =)
. . . wishing you blue skies and all things nice ;-)
Julia Chan
...see you at Facebook and when you next visit Sun U ya =)
Dear Michelle,
Thanks for the smiles, the help and everything else... we will miss you dearly... :)
All the best in your future undertakings
Keep in touch facebook
God Bless :)
You're leaving so soon? Didn't know till this morning ... so sad. Well, glad to get to know you and all the best, ya? Do stay in touch!God bless, and see you!In Him,Shannon
Yo..Yo.. Michelle, Its our lost, you are hoping off, but, hey hey hey.. Its our greatest gift, just having you around (even for just 3months).Will surely miss you and your mirror (grin).All the best to you and keep in touch. Big Hugs,Madeline
Dear Michelle,
I may be new in the school but your warm greetings and helpful gesture on the first day I came in has definitely left a deep imprint in my mind. I wish you all the best in your future endeavour.
Dear Michelle,
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. ~Irish BlessingRegards
Hi Michelle,
Please drop by School of Business when you’re free (especially my room J).
Thanks for the excellent help and we will miss you, definitely!
All the best to you!
- Sophia -
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the departing note. I really appreciate it.
I pray that the Lord’s presence and His mighty hand of protection over you and in all your future endeavors. Gives good health and be filled with His wisdom and strengthen you so that you shall be a shinning star in your new work place.
Take care and God Bless you.
My love and regards to your Mum and Dad.
Uncle Simon.
Hey we gonna miss you….if it is for greener pastures, hopefully for further studies, good luck and all the best even if it is otherwise. Jesilin
It has been a privilege having you as a colleague. We will miss you but we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. We will await your eventual return to the Sunway familyJ. In any case, we will be in touch via FB. Not yet into Twitter though. Cheers. Dr. Foo
Dear Michelle,
Sigh! We barely know each other…., As Mr. Nagiah would say, WHYyyyyy? Parting is suppose is such sweet sorrow when it is for a friend who wants to conquer
greater heights! Till we see you again as a full-time colleague, adieu mon ami.
Cheah YS
Good luck to you Michelle. And thanks for helping us out.
I feel so loved =)
Gotto get back to work now.. Being my last day here, wanna try and do as much as I can for Emily & Amelia before I leave to lighten their workload.. They've got a peak season coming up..
Got so many goodies for my farewell.. Countless farewell lunches and dinners these pass 2 weeks.. Pressie from both the admin & academic staff.. In fact, just earlier today, there was a pretty little pink bag on my table with a card.. and inside was a cute figurine from Elizabeth.. For lunch today, the staff from not only my department but also from ADTP and Registry took me out to Ginger Tree (my uncle's a chef there) and belanja me makan kau kau.. So full wei now I feel like sleeping.. lol..
Thought I'd paste some of the notes from emails that I received from friends I made here in the past 3 months..
Dear Michelle,
We wish you a wonderful journey towards your dreams - and we know all your wishes and dream will come true.
You are a wonderful person and it has been my greatest pleasure to get to know you in the past three months. How time flies.
I wish you all the best in your new venture!
all the very best,
soo beng
Dear Michelle,
All the best in your new job =)
. . . wishing you blue skies and all things nice ;-)
Julia Chan
...see you at Facebook and when you next visit Sun U ya =)
Dear Michelle,
Thanks for the smiles, the help and everything else... we will miss you dearly... :)
All the best in your future undertakings
Keep in touch facebook
God Bless :)
You're leaving so soon? Didn't know till this morning ... so sad. Well, glad to get to know you and all the best, ya? Do stay in touch!God bless, and see you!In Him,Shannon
Yo..Yo.. Michelle, Its our lost, you are hoping off, but, hey hey hey.. Its our greatest gift, just having you around (even for just 3months).Will surely miss you and your mirror (grin).All the best to you and keep in touch. Big Hugs,Madeline
Dear Michelle,
I may be new in the school but your warm greetings and helpful gesture on the first day I came in has definitely left a deep imprint in my mind. I wish you all the best in your future endeavour.
Dear Michelle,
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. ~Irish BlessingRegards
Hi Michelle,
Please drop by School of Business when you’re free (especially my room J).
Thanks for the excellent help and we will miss you, definitely!
All the best to you!
- Sophia -
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the departing note. I really appreciate it.
I pray that the Lord’s presence and His mighty hand of protection over you and in all your future endeavors. Gives good health and be filled with His wisdom and strengthen you so that you shall be a shinning star in your new work place.
Take care and God Bless you.
My love and regards to your Mum and Dad.
Uncle Simon.
Hey we gonna miss you….if it is for greener pastures, hopefully for further studies, good luck and all the best even if it is otherwise. Jesilin
It has been a privilege having you as a colleague. We will miss you but we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. We will await your eventual return to the Sunway familyJ. In any case, we will be in touch via FB. Not yet into Twitter though. Cheers. Dr. Foo
Dear Michelle,
Sigh! We barely know each other…., As Mr. Nagiah would say, WHYyyyyy? Parting is suppose is such sweet sorrow when it is for a friend who wants to conquer
greater heights! Till we see you again as a full-time colleague, adieu mon ami.
Cheah YS
Good luck to you Michelle. And thanks for helping us out.
I feel so loved =)
Gotto get back to work now.. Being my last day here, wanna try and do as much as I can for Emily & Amelia before I leave to lighten their workload.. They've got a peak season coming up..
Monday, November 9, 2009
Movie Review: This is it

So finally decided to go watch it last Sun since I had some kaki to go with.. Oh my! IT WAS AWESOME!!! This guy was like 50 years old and he can still move so great.. My fav song was 'Beat it'.. Also liked one of the last song he sang, can't remember the name.. he wore this purple shirt and was dancing alone on stage.. Nice!
This dude has like a whole different tune going on in his head..
It also gave me an insight on how humble he is..
Next movie I wanna watch - Time Traveler's Wife

Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Isn't it beautiful how God works things out for us..
Last weekend my friend went to confirm a certain package.. Previously she was told that she should come back before the end of the month to enjoy the promotion that was being offered.. The sales lady however forgot to mention that it was only for the first 10 customers and my friend didn't make that bracket..
So she went back last weekend to book a similiar package and she received above and beyond what she thought she would be getting.. They're so blessed!!
I've been trying to get the Naza Bestari 206 for some months now, since August actually.. but there's been so many hiccups..
First, they ran out of stock
Then, my dad's car dealer friend managed to get stock
Then, my loan wouldn't be approved cos I just started work
After a long process of trying all sorts of means, my loan got approved
Now, the car's gone again!!
My dad's friend had already placed a booking fee but they say that it depends on a first-come-first-serve basis..
Last night and this morning I was just thinking about the car and told God that if this is your will, grant me favor but if it's not, then please close the door and give me peace within..
Just about 5 minutes ago, the lady called me and told me that the car's totally out of stock.. No chance in getting it AT ALL!!!
I just replied, 'Oh, I see.. it's ok then.. Thank you so much..'
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
So she went back last weekend to book a similiar package and she received above and beyond what she thought she would be getting.. They're so blessed!!
I've been trying to get the Naza Bestari 206 for some months now, since August actually.. but there's been so many hiccups..
First, they ran out of stock
Then, my dad's car dealer friend managed to get stock
Then, my loan wouldn't be approved cos I just started work
After a long process of trying all sorts of means, my loan got approved
Now, the car's gone again!!
My dad's friend had already placed a booking fee but they say that it depends on a first-come-first-serve basis..
Last night and this morning I was just thinking about the car and told God that if this is your will, grant me favor but if it's not, then please close the door and give me peace within..
Just about 5 minutes ago, the lady called me and told me that the car's totally out of stock.. No chance in getting it AT ALL!!!
I just replied, 'Oh, I see.. it's ok then.. Thank you so much..'
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Never shortchanged
Dad called me yesterday while I was out and told me that I had a letter from Affin Bank.. That was so weird cos I don't remember having any dealings with them so I told him to open the letter..
Guess what!!
I won RM100 from Affin!!! Weeeeee!!!
It's in form of a savings account though, but.. it's still $$$
Then I remember sometime back I entered a lucky draw when I was at the Curve..
I was just telling someone the other day, I'm gonna be really pokai this month cos there's just so many different expenses + birthdays + dinners.. Then God blesses me with this.. I also just remembered bout my claims at Sun-U which I can collect next week..
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38
Continue to be faithful in your giving + tithes.. It's not the amount that you give, but the heart.. God loves a cheerful giver and He will never shortchange you.. I've been taught from young that no matter how hard it is, to always be disciplined in giving of tithes + offerings.. and I've NEVER been shortchanged! Try it!
Guess what!!
I won RM100 from Affin!!! Weeeeee!!!
It's in form of a savings account though, but.. it's still $$$
Then I remember sometime back I entered a lucky draw when I was at the Curve..
I was just telling someone the other day, I'm gonna be really pokai this month cos there's just so many different expenses + birthdays + dinners.. Then God blesses me with this.. I also just remembered bout my claims at Sun-U which I can collect next week..
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38
Continue to be faithful in your giving + tithes.. It's not the amount that you give, but the heart.. God loves a cheerful giver and He will never shortchange you.. I've been taught from young that no matter how hard it is, to always be disciplined in giving of tithes + offerings.. and I've NEVER been shortchanged! Try it!
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