Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Next Waterfall cum Camping Trip

I'm so looking forward to Jerangkang! Friends have gone there a few times and rave about it.

It's located all the way in Kuantan and so we'll need to camp a night there cos it'll make no sense to drive and hike all the way in to only stay a couple of hours at this majestic waterfalls.

I'm really looking the camping experience once again as well. The last camping trip we went to was at Pangkor in Feb 2010. That was by the beach, this would be by the jungle! Hahaha the last I camped in the jungle must have been when I was in high school.

Star-gazing, making smores, chilling in the pool, possible absailing thru the waterfalls, jumping off cliffs... Ooooo EXCITED!!!!

Season for Cooking & Baking

Ina Garten aka Barefoot Contessa is one of my favourite cooks to watch. Prior to her it was Delia Smith but they no longer show her sessions anymore. Barefoot Contessa used to be aired while I was still at work but recently AFC has been showing it at 635pm which is the perfect time for me because I'm back home.

Needless to say that I've not cooked or baked in a LONG time. I think the last time I really prepared a good meal was early this year for my parents and J.

Ina Garten's recipes works! This is crucial as many cooks on TV nowadays don't really reveal their true secret to their meals. Ina Garten however does and she is a fabulous teacher for those who are just starting out.

Watching her shows again recently has inspired me to cook but this time it's going to be an ensemble of appertizers and a dessert. Which one exactly? I'm not sure yet.. Time to research through some of her recipes.

Oh and save up to get her series of books too. Somehow I still like to have my recipe books in hard copy instead of from online.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Part-time Job?

Someone told me last week that I should be a stand-up comedian... Because I'm very expressive when I speak and I guess I'm somewhat funny at times.

Most of the time people are entertain at my expense.. But it tickled to know that I could genuinely be funny at times.. lol