Made with love for those close to my heart..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Movie Review: Ip Man

Here's the synopsis:
Ip Man is adapted from the life story of Ip Man, the grand master of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and sifu (master) of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. This movie will be the first important record of the master’s life. Ip’s persistent devotion to Wing Chun is a classic example of the love and respect shown to wushu and the freedom and spirit it represents. Ip Man is a concept, a spirit, a way of thinking - and it represent a new peak in Hong Kong’s wushu movies.
Michelle's Rating : 9/10
Mum has recently been very into Chinese movies.. She watched Red Cliff with my dad at the cinema and had been wanting to take me for it as well.. but as usual la I was too busy with assignments and other stuff to go watch it.. Red Cliff II is showing on 23rd Jan and mum wants to go watch it with me so bad that she went to Speedy Video the other day to get me the DVD of the first part and we watched it together when we came home.. So cute la she.. haha..
Even as we were watching Ip Man, mum started making all this Chinese gong noises.. It was hilarious.. I think dad's very happy that mum's showing an interest in Chinese movies so at least he has another kaki to go watch with..
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Shocking News
Monday, December 22, 2008
There was Naledi's birthday.. We did a small lil surprise thingy with a really small cake on the 24th of Nov itself.. She turned 21..
We had such a fun / CRAZY time.. With my older cousins there, things just got even wilder..
'Gypsy' was the theme for the night, hence the dressing you see..
Then it was time to head of to Ipoh for Lynn's wedding.. We went a few days earlier to just help her with whatever was needed and just be there with her.. Turns out that there wasn't really much to do except to eat at dinners after dinners.. haha.. Something I'm good at!! I love food!!
We drove Lynn around to get her Henna amongst other stuff done..
Was waiting to head over to the groom's house for Paal Palam (not sure if I got the spelling rite).. It'a a ceremony where they'll mix milk, fruits, sweets and some other stuff together in a glass.. then all the other married couples will have to give it to the couple to drink a little of it.. I'm not sure what's the significance of this ceremony..
Then on the wedding night, the bride's family threw a BBQ at their place..
I'm all in the Christmas-y mood now.. Christmas tree is up.. Pressie for most of family members have been bought, wrapped and under the tree.. Heading out in a bit to get pressies for my parents, buy some stuff to start baking cookies.. Look's like my plan for this week is pretty much all figured out..
Yesterday - Christmas party at Jasmina's
Today - Baking, Shopping, Christmas Dinner at a friend's
Tomorrow - More baking and shopping, Dinner with Rita & Yianni
Wednesday - Christmas Eve service at Revival church
Thursday - Christmas service at GT, Lunch at Carmen's
Friday - Head off to Ipoh for the day to visit family and pass pressies
Saturday - YA Service at GT
Sunday - Christmas Dinner at Nigel's
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
The morning started out beautiful with my dad waking me up to give me my birthday present.. He didn't have time to wrap it up so he used my blanket to wrap it for me.. typical dad!! haha so cute!!
Then I walked in to the kitchen to the smell of Thosai!! My auntie was making fresh Thosai for me just as how my grandmother used to make them for me.. When I was younger, as soon as I reached Nenek's house in Ipoh, she would make this really small crispy Thosai for me.. I used to call it 'Biscuit Thosai'.. don't ask.. lol.. So it was really nice to have my auntie make them for me cos I haven't had them for more than 15 years I think... She even made fresh chutney to go with it.. something we don't get very often at my home..
Then I spent some hours online checking my messages on facebook.. and trying to reply them all.. haha.. Felt so loved..
My childhood friend, Sawittri took me out for lunch to Delicious at One U and we had a really good time just catching up and laughing.. Then it was off to do some shopping!!!
They sang 'Happy Birthday' for me after prayer meet.. haha.. Actually I kinda figured they would la.. hehe.. Afterall, I am that loveable.. But I didn't expect to get a cake.. THANK YOU SUE!!! So that was really a surprise!! They even surprised me by putting 25 candles for me when I only just turned 24.. haha.. Here's a picture of the cake half eaten..
Some of my dearest friends (you know who you are) who usually comes for prayer meet every week were not there last Wed.. They had good reasons but I missed them.. Would really loved to have spend sometime with them on my birthday.. But my girls were there and they made it really special.. Love you!!
My birthday present from Naledi.. She made me change into them and go out for supper in them.. And the best part.. she got me 2 pairs - yellow & red.. She knows me too well.. haha.. If I were to have chosen them, it would have been black/white/brown..
Supper was at Nasi Kandar SS2 with Resego, Carol, Naledi, Jason, Sian Jeen, Cason, Eu-Jin and Eric.. It turned from a normal makan-makan and chit-chat session into a Love Q&A session.. Found out some juicy details but it stays within the four wall of Nasi Kandar SS2..
Overall, I felt so blessed and loved the entire day.. A big shout out to all of you who just made it extra special.. Thank you Jesus for adding another fruitful and blessed year to me..
Friday, November 21, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Someone called up early this week and came to see him and fell instantly in love with him.. My friend says that the girl seems like she's really into dogs which is good cos I really want a good home for him.. He's so super manja so he'll need someone to pay 100% attention to him..
Glad I was not there when she came to pick him up.. might not have let him go then.. I miss him la... sigh! It's just so different with Ginger cos he wont let me cuddle him.. and I like to cuddle!! hehe..
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We Plan, The Lord Directs
By end of next week: complete HR 3010 / SM 3035 assignment
3rd Dec - 7th Dec: Lynn's wedding in Ipoh + Study for exam
That's the plan la.. Which probably means I need to start doing my assignments NOW!!!~~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Online Shopping
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Jesus Lifted High
'Christians are more compassionate than other religions'.
This comment was made in a group of some 80 students. The girl that made the comment was not even a Christian. How often do you hear this? I mean this was like the first time for me. And it definitely raised a lot of questions in class after they finished their presentation. But at the end of the Q&A, the group still stood their ground that they felt that Christians are more compassionate.
I hope that nothing would ever change their view on this...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Want a puppy??
Sad Day
I just made a decision that I need to give my new dog away... He's not getting along well with my older male dog and he's started to bite my other dog.. and it's not the playful bite.. It's pretty scary cos my older male dog is really fierce and so far it's been really nice to this new puppy.. but i'm just afraid that one day it might just loose it and attack the small puppy.. sigh! and i was falling in love with the small one already.. =(
My friend has offered to help find a new owner for the puppy..
Saturday, November 1, 2008
2 out of 2
Dress shopping for Dennis anneh and Lynn's wedding done!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wrong 31st
Just realised that her birthday is actually 31st Jan.. and not 31st Oct.. haha..
It would have been really funny if we brought out a cake for her and surprised her at cell.. we would have been the ones being surprised!!!
I even spread the word and one of my other cellies has wished her already.. haha..
Addition to the Familia
Anyways, so she was looking to give him away and I volunterred.. haha.. I just brought him home.. Was kinda worried that Ginger might not get along with him.. but thank God he's getting along fine with the new puppy..
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Open Hearts
Just came back from my free facial at Clarins. Mum got a voucher for her birthday and she gave it to me so I gladly took it la. Lol. It was just so relaxing and my skin feels more radiant now.
My appointment was at 230pm but I reached 1U at 150pm so decided to just walk around and while walking around Jusco I met a high school friend. We chatted for a bit then decided to go get something to eat. I remember when I was back in high school, we were just the hi-bye friends.
Surprisingly we were able to connect really well. We both had similiar life experience so I was able to understand all that she's been through.
We exchanged numbers..
Then the HS reminded me about our prayer yesterday at prayer meeting when we prayed for the Cell Christmas Party on Nov 19th so I decided that I'd invite her. She was so opened to the invitation and even saved the details onto her phone calendar. It's just amazing how God's open doors of opportunities.
I'm looking forward to more opened doors!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pleasant Surprise
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength" Isaiah 40:31
She rarely sends me messages so it was really nice to wake up to this particular verse.. Then we had cell at night and the topic was also on hope.. Then I went to service this morning because I was serving in AV and the bible verse that was put up during service on both the left and right screens were.. (you guessed it right!) Isaiah 40:31..
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.. You know what I mean.. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.. haha (sorry inside joke)
Thank you Lord for that reminder.. I will put my hope in You.. At times when it just seems too tough, too tiring and just too overwhelming.. I will put my hope and trust in you..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A few of us went for mamak after the awesome prayer meet and was there up to 1am chatting.. we then realised that the waiter serving our table was quite smitten with one of my friend.. towards the end of our mamak-ing session, the waiter and his friend were whispering to each other whilst staring at my friend and heading towards our table.. we were quite curious as to what they were whispering about..
Suddenly, they just burst out in laughter and ran off.. i repeat-RAN OFF!!
We had no idea what was so funny.. it tooks us awhile before we realised that they were actually trying to gather up some guts to come and talk to her.. we were all so blur at first cos we hadn't seen this since primary school..
It was a good night!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Petrol Prices Reduced
Adapted from The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Petrol prices will be reduced by a further 10sen to 20sen from Wednesday.
RON 97 petrol is reduced by 15sen to RM2.30; RON 92 petrol is reduced by 10sen to RM2.20; and diesel is reduced by 20sen to RM2.20.
A post on the Prime Minister's Office website ( said the decision was made following the marked drop in the global oil price of late.
"The lowering of the fuel prices is also made to speed up the reduction of retail prices so that the people will be able to enjoy the benefits sooner," the post added.
The statement was signed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The previous two reductions were on Aug 23 and Sept 24.
Latino Latina
There were 9 of us.. we reached about half hour late.. cos last minute lots of changes in travel arrangement.. but dance instructor was sweet enough to let us stay an extra half hour to make up for the time we lost..
Hope next week is as fun!!
My group was told to do our presentation on 'Exports of Australian Lamb to Saudi Arabia' today.. which should have lasted no more than 20 minutes.. There were suppose to be two groups presenting on the topic and my group went first..
After each slide, my 'dear' lecturer would ask the 2nd group what they're answers were.. and then he would give input as to what our answers should have been.. basically all our answers were wrong.. all of them!!!
The lecturer's answers and explanation didn't even make sense to me.. and I thought I was the only one but I later found out that the whole class thought so as well.. Some of his answers were not even in line with the questions..
Sigh!!! At least we were not marked on this presentation..
He was so long-winded that we ended up doing our presentation for one and a half hours.. The second group didn't present in the end because we were out of time..
I guess for my finals.. I would need to think like him and answer my questions according to his logic and not mine.. Because if I answer them according to how I understand it, I might probably get it all wrong..
Jesus Help!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Night for just Praise & Worship

I love to Worship God, and i am so looking forward to this Friday's Worship Night “Proclaim His Power”. Its just an awesome encounter when you come together with the church and just sing songs of adoration and praises and just spend time in the presence of God!
First of all Worship Night, is not a Concert and neither is it a Presentation of Songs. Its a night where anyone can come into Maranatha Auditorium and enjoy the awesome presence of God as believers; and all over the church we can freely sing praise and worship songs to God!!
We are expecting God to supernaturally touch everyone present on that night, regardless of the need, the situation or the level of belief.
We will not be singing many new songs, but rather the musicians have quite cleverly added ”new arrangement” to the music of familiar songs that we mostly know and sing in churches. We wanted the praise & worship to be interactive, where we can all Sing together, and easily close our eyes and lift our hands in Worship and dance in celebration praise!
The night’s thrust is taken from Psalms 145:3-5
Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
His greatness no one can fathom.
One generation will commend your works to another;
They will tell of your mighty acts.
They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty,
And I will meditate on your wonderful works.
Details of Proclaim His Power Worship Night
Date: 10 October 2008 (Friday)
Time : 8.30pm
Venue: Maranatha Auditorium, Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya [map]
Watch the video promo here.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sri Lanka, here we come!!!
It's been a hectic week of preparing for the different programmes that will be held.. Thank you all for those who came to church office yesterday to help pack the gifts for the children.. We couldn't have finished it so fast without you..
I'm excited!!! Not feeling so stressed like before.. I still haven't packed my stuff though.. Will go do it in awhile.. I'm suppose to pack light.. Boy, that's going to be a challenge!
I Plan to spend the day with my parents.. It's going to be an early night for me today..
Sri Lanka for Jesus!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My First Mission Trip
It's going to be my first missions trip.. I'm not sure on what to expect but am just trusting that God's going to move powerfully... and I'll be transformed..
I've never really thought that I would go for missions.. It was a very impulsive decision.. and now I'm glad I made it..
Must learn more about the nation of Sri Lanka.. God has already placed a burden in my heart for this country..
I'm really happy with the team that I'm going with.. I believe that we're all going to bond very well.. We've been meeting up weekly for prayer to prepare for the trip..
Will write more soon.. Very tired now.. Gonna head to bed..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yesterday at Cell
The night started with Ai Li doing ice-breakers.. We played this really fun, confusing card game.. For someone who doesn't really enjoy doing ice-breakers, she really did an awesome job..
It was also Ai Li's birthday last Tuesday so we had a belated birthday celebration for her at cell..
Tiffany pouring her heart out in a prayer of blessing for Ai Li
Praise God for 3 new visitors.. Andrew, Qi Wen and JD (that's Yimi in the pic though)
Esther and Clement being very 'candid'
Qi Wen helping himself to the 'birthday custard'
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bye-bye Blue
It usually sits in it small little wooden house in the cage.. and comes out when we whistle.. But today.. Blue was so quiet.. It didn't pop it's head out the small hole when my mum called it..
Was so sad when I opened the door of it's small little wooden house to find it dead inside..
We've got the VICTORY
Refreshed in God's presence..
Made loads of new friends.. Bonded with old ones..
On the second session.. There were five soul saved.. and Ps Julie didn't even preached.. Only can happen with you JESUS!!!
Some pictures from camp..
My roomies
Darl Sue Ling brought some lanterns for us to play with
Friday, September 12, 2008
Very Excited!!!
Pray God will move mightily amongst the campers..
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Movie Review : Sense and Sensibility

I borrowed this DVD from my cousin last weekend.. and am glad I did so..
Directed by Ang Lee, Sense and Sensibility is the story of to sisters; sensible Elinor played by Emma Thompson and passionate Marrianne played by Kate Winslet. When their father dies, by law his estate must pass to the eldest son from his first marriage, forcing his current wife and daughters to find somewhere more primitive to live.
With their sudden loss of fortune, the sister's chances of marriage seem doomed. Their well-intentioned suitors played by Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant and Greg Wise are trapped by the strict rules of a society obsesses with financial and social status and the conflicting laws of desire.
Michelle's Rating : 8/10
A must watch!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Persevere On
Some pictures from back home..
Monday, September 1, 2008
Another First
So I thought it'd be fun to join in the fun and get my hands dirty.. it was FUN alright.. We painted the whole room and it looks AWESOME!!!
Definitely more painting sessions to come..
Sunday, August 31, 2008
First of many
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Friend won 20K from Shell
Bergson just won 17K cash and 3k worth of Petrol from Shell..
Eh Bergson.. We go makan soon ya.. =)