Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I just came back from my International Marketing Management class. Gosh! It was so bad!!!!

My group was told to do our presentation on 'Exports of Australian Lamb to Saudi Arabia' today.. which should have lasted no more than 20 minutes.. There were suppose to be two groups presenting on the topic and my group went first..

After each slide, my 'dear' lecturer would ask the 2nd group what they're answers were.. and then he would give input as to what our answers should have been.. basically all our answers were wrong.. all of them!!!

The lecturer's answers and explanation didn't even make sense to me.. and I thought I was the only one but I later found out that the whole class thought so as well.. Some of his answers were not even in line with the questions..

Sigh!!! At least we were not marked on this presentation..

He was so long-winded that we ended up doing our presentation for one and a half hours.. The second group didn't present in the end because we were out of time..

I guess for my finals.. I would need to think like him and answer my questions according to his logic and not mine.. Because if I answer them according to how I understand it, I might probably get it all wrong..

Jesus Help!!!

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