Friday, March 6, 2009


I was just lying in bed yesterday trying to pray and just trying to be comforted in God's presence. Somehow however I just felt God being really far away and felt that I was in this situation all alone. Just then, a super old friend from my former church whom I have not been in touch with for sometime sent me this msg..

The God that we serve is not One that abandons His people. You are His so He CANNOT and WILL NOT forsake you. God Bless!

She did not know what I was going through. It was certainly God speaking through her at that moment to me. Those words comforted me so much that I just started to cry even more. But this time not tears of loneliness or sorrow but rather tears of gratefulness and in awe of God's awesomeness and His huge humongous love for me. Her next message read:

God's with you girl. He always has been there. It's hard to see it but He is faithful. Speak to Him and cry out cause He listens though it feels like He isn't. Cling to His promises cause it's given to you as your inheritence. You're precious to Him.

Things are a little better today and I pray that I will have the strength to not let the words of others come in the way of my spiritual walk or my confidence in God. That I will hold dear to all His promises for my life. That His plan and will for my life will be fulfilled in His perfect timing.

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