Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentines Day, 2013

So my man's not big on V-day, or any other big celebrations for that matter but I am such a sucker for all these and couldn't let this day go by without doing anything for him.

He was traveling on that day so I decided to whip up something and surprise him. One of his favourite cookies, White Chocolate Macadamia. This was by far one of the easiest cookies to make but it was so expensive. I paid RM29 for just 300gms of macadamia nuts. But it was all worth it for him.
Then I went shopping at found this little munchkin at Parksons and managed to get him with a 30% discount. They were having a sale just for BonusLink members and the couple behind me at the counter was kind enough to give me their card to be swiped. Of course, they get to accumulate points too.
Doesn't he so represent my man?? Haha! In the most adorable way possible of course.

The final product!
Many shops try to extort customers by raising the price of their food, chocolates, flowers, etc during V-day which deters many from celebrating it. But there are many things that you can do without spending so much $$$.

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