Saturday, February 23, 2013

Recipe : Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies

These delicate cookies are quickly and easily made and taste distinctly better than any shop-bought version. Using ready-toasted chopped hazelnuts can save even more time. 

4oz / 110g Dark Chocolate Chips - good quality
1 Vanilla Pod
4oz / 110g Soft Butter - good quality (I use either Tatura or Anchor)
4oz / 110g Light Soft Brown Sugar
1 Medium Egg
2oz / 50g Toasted Hazelnuts - chopped
3oz / 75g Plain Wholemeal Flour

- Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
- Line 2 baking trays with parchment paper.

1. Begin by splitting the vanilla pod lengthways and, using the end of a teaspoon or a small sharp knife, scoop out the seeds.

2. Put the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl and beat with an electric hand whisk until light and fluffy.

3. Beat in the egg and vanilla seeds before adding the remaining ingredients, then stir until thoroughly mixed.

4. Take spoonfuls of the dough, sufficient to form small rounds about the size of a walnut, then arrange them, well spaced out on the baking trays. (You will find it easier to bake one batch at a time).

5. Bake for 10 minutes or until the cookies turn golden color and feel firm in the centre when slightly pressed. Once baked, remove from baking sheets with a palette knife. Cool them on a wire rack and when cold, store in an airtight container.

* Makes about 60 small cookies or 30 big cookies.
** The dough will spread out quite a bit while baking.

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