Monday, September 12, 2011

Bathing a 3-month old

Babies.. They are such a precious gift from God..

Went to vist my newest niece last week..
She's 3 months old now and it had a been a good 1.5 months since I last saw her. Oh my how she had grown and look at the amount of hair on her head!

She's such a chubby lil marshmallow that I couldn't get enough of her.
Snap snap snap!!

Showered her with kisses.. lots of em! Check out those cheeks!
Then it came time for her bath.. and my cousin's like "Go and bathe her la". My reply "But I've not bathe a baby this young before". Mind you she's only like 3 months. Still a fragile little being. Then my cousin's like "It's so easy la, put her in the tub.. wet her with water.. put the soap... voila!"

So I took her to the bathroom and my cousin showed me where all her bathing stuff were and I figured 'ok lar.. since he's going to be standing there with me, I can do this'. Then... he walks out of the bathroom leaving me with baby Judea and her oldest brother who was such a darling to help.
So scrub-a-dub-dub, few kicks in the tub (I really think this one is going to be a good swimmer) and a few minutes later she's done. All fresh and smelling like Johnsons & Johnsons. Wiped her down and changed her.

Now thought to myself, that wasn't too bad. I mean I've bathe many of my nephew and nieces before, tons of them but none this young. And I enjoyed every moment of it. Am so looking forward to her next bath!

I love my cousins for having such confidence in m.

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