Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 - Year Of Favor!

Our church (Glad Tidings) have declared that 2010 is the Year of Favor!

What is Favor?

Favor is is different from Grace, although it comes from the same root word. Grace is undeserved, unmerited. But the Bible is full of instruction about how we can obtain favor. Favor comes upon those who are watching, waiting, praying, keeping His commands, walking in kindness and truth… All of these things produce Favor! We live in the Favor of the Lord through prayer, faith, obedience and perseverance. Our prayer life, our faith in God and His Word, our obedience to God and our perseverance all determine the level of God’s favor in our lives and church.

So for 2010, we urge you to read through the 10 Blessings below that the Favor of God will produce, and as it “hits” you, claim it for yourself in 2010!!

10 Blessings that the FAVOR of God will produce!

1.God’s favor can produce supernatural promotion and increase (Gen 39:21)
2.God’s favor bring restorationof everything the enemy has stolen (Exo 3:21)
3.God’s favor bring honor in the midst of adversaries (Exo 11:3)
4.God’s favor can produce increased assets (Deut 33:23)
5.God’s favor can give great and unsual victories even against impossible odds (Jos 6:20; 10:9,20)
6.God’s favor can give recognition and promotion even when you seem to be the least likely one to receive it (1 Sam 16:22)
7.God’s favor can produce prominence and preferential treatment, favor and kindness (Est 5:8)
8.God’s favor gets petitions granted, even by ungodly civil authority (Est 8:5)
9.God’s favor can change rules, regulations, even laws if necessary to your advantage (Est 8:5)
10.God’s favor can win battles you did not even have to fight because God will fight them for you (Ps 44:3)

Have a Glorious Blessed and FAVOURABLE year for 2010!!

** Thanks Daren..

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