Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's cooked!

We bought a home!

After months of going through the processes of buying a home, we got our keys just a few days shy of my 28th birthday. Never thought I would make such a big purchase so young. 

This house is truly a testimony in itself. When house prices are skyrocketing, we managed to get our unit at an unbelievable price. The same price that I initially told God we were wiling to spend before we started scouting for a place together.

It seemed impossible to get any home at the price we wanted initially and after scouting a few places and units, we decided that we would put this purchase on hold. 

Then, A-3-16 just dropped into our laps when we least expected it. 

Some would say it's too small, but to us it is just nice and cozy. We're simple people and starting off small is better than to be bogged down with huge mortgage loans and no savings. 

Now that it is official, we can start looking for ideas to do up our little place we can now call home. 

So exciting! 

God never fails to grant our hearts' desires and has been so so faithful. All glory to God! 

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