Thursday, August 27, 2009

I love..

Some weeks back, Weng Yan aka Beeboo shared the passage below with the cell. She took it from Bobbie Houston's blog. It was such an encouragement to me at that time and hope it would encourage you as well.

  • I love the thought of us ALL being WORLD CHANGERS!!
  • I love the thought that God considered us ALL unique & special enough to plant us at such a crazy/wonderful time in history.
  • I love the thought that in doing so, He would have invested unique gift and measure within ALL of us so that we could fulfil that planting.
  • I love that He is no respector of persons and invites us all.
  • I love that He will use any willing heart that is, well willing.
  • I love that we don't have to impress Him.
  • I love that we can come as we are.
  • I love that He specialises in people who think they are pathetic, but really aren't.
  • I love that He is gentle and patient and persistent in shaping us into what He knows we can become.
  • I love that He is not freaked out at the state of the world.
  • I love that He is calm.
  • I love that He has a plan.
  • I love that He considers us capable to carry His heart and make a difference.
  • I love that He can take the likes of you and I and make us ALL WORLD CHANGERS IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
  • I love that no one is excluded and that we each have an individually distinct world to focus on friends, family, workmates, street, church, community and all those beautiful strangers who so often slide across our paths unseen, unnoticed.

So agree with me as I write this on a wintery afternoon in Sydney... there's a world to love, a world to influence, a world to pray for. Don't diminish your part, don't stress over how it will all pan out and don't wonder how and where to find the will of God.

Rest in His love, rest in His providence, rest in His promise, be faithful with what is important and non-negotiable in His Word, find a need, make a stand, put your hand up, stay at your post and trust me, the rest will take care of itself.


Because all world changers need reminders... rest in His grace, rest in His enabling, rest in His Spirit, rest that He is well able to complete what He has begun.

"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit," says our God. Our strength can carry us so far, but His Strength will carry us all the way.. and then BEYOND what we could ever hope or imagine.

Praying that each and every one of us will learn the art of 'labouring from a place of REST".

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Work's been good thus far..

It's my 3rd day at work..

First day was rather boring cos there was a new intake, so it was just orientations all the way.

Second day was hectic but I enjoyed it very much. We had like over 100 students come with their VARIOUS problems..

3rd day is a little slower.. as you can see I have time to blog.. hehe.. but nevertheless still fun..

Leaving today a little earlier to go for another appointment..

God's been awesome to me!!! This job is really a blessing in more ways than one.. Not at liberty to blog all about it here but if you wanna know.. ask me.. hehe..

Monday, August 10, 2009

Now officially a YA

Wow it's been ages since I last posted..

I've cut my hair!!! hehehe.. Preferred my long hair but just had to chop it off cos the split ends were just uncontrollable.

Praise Report - God's been so good to me. As I was waiting for my results, I was so sure that I was going to graduate with a Second Class Lower but when I went to take my certificate, I was surprised to read..

University of East London

It is hereby certified that

Michelle Melissa Foo

having duly satisfied all prescribed conditions was on 25 June 2009
duly admitted to the degree of

Bachelor of Arts with Second Class (Upper Division) Honours

having followed an approved Honours programme in

Business Administration

** Of course they had to spell Record as Reecord on the certificate... Sigh! So now I'll need to wait for a new certificate..

I've had about 2 months of holiday + traveling so it's high time that I find a job and start earning some $$$.. haha...

I've sent out my application to quite a number of companies and have gone for several interviews as well. Will post more about it later..