Monday, March 26, 2012


Yesterday was a fun day!

Totally unplanned. Our first haircut together, it was high time that both of us needed a hair cut but funnily enough we both walked out of the shop not really pleased with the result. Oh well, hair will grow back.

Then we went over to a friend's house for Mr. Handyman to fix her light and she then took us out for a yummy Korean meal and Chatime for dessert.

Next was a spontaneous trip to Thai Odessy for a Thai Massage for me and Aromatheraphy Massage for him. This was a treat because we are on a road of saving money and decided to just splurge this one time since our last was in Koh Tao last July. Expensive but was worth it. Next massage probably in 6-12 months time lol.

Then we made our way to Robinsons in Gardens to collect our redemption vouchers which were expiring soon and utilize our birthday vouchers that we got. All in all we had RM170 to finish up and thank God it was SALE season!! The sale in Robinsons is truly a sale. Prices literally slashed down to 70% and we got quite a bit for our vouchers.

The only planned item for the day was a family birthday at night which we then proceeded to.

We should have more of these unplanned dates out cos it was totally fun!

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